10 de setembre del 2010

Document de la Unesco demanant posar sensors a les esquerdes (craks) de la Sagrada Família durant 3 mesos, ABANS del pas de la tuneladora

             Barcelona, den 19/06/2010

             C:\Daten\Sagrada Familia\Ortstermin Bu 7.-9.4\10-04-07-meeting soldata & sacyr.doc


Concerning the aims of the envisaged crack monitoring in the Sagrada Familia 

Date: 08th of June 2010 in Barcelona in the Church of the Sagrada Familia
Participating persons:              Mr. Bonet
                                               Mr. Buxaude
                                               Mr. Fauli
                                               Mr. Fuchs
                                               Mr. Burkert

Aims of crack monitoring:

1.    Definition:
       The crack monitoring is part of a general supervision that consists of two parts: One is the measuring of deformations of surfaces of building members. This measurement is already in process and being done by SolData with so called cyclops that conduct automized tachymetric measurements of inner and outer surfaces of the Glory façade as well as the adjacent naves on the west and east. The second part is the monitoring of structurally relevant cracks in the Glory façade and the adjacent lateral naves. This text refers to the second part of the general monitoring of the church.

2.    Content:
       The crack monitoring aims at a constant observation of structurally relevant cracks with crack monitors. At the same time external influences are being recorded that might have an impact on the behaviour of the construction and the cracks.
       These external influences are:
       Air temperature
       Humidity (and rainfall, duration of rainfall and quantity)
       Wind direction and wind intensity
       Air pressure
       Major events in the building
       Execution of works that might cause additional vibrations

3.    Expected results:
       After having gained information on the correlation between the mentioned external influences and possible movements within the cracks it is possible to judge abnormal behaviour of the cracks when the TBM (Tunnel boring machine) passes the Glory facade.

4.    Optimal starting time of measurements:
       Possible changes or movements within the cracks can be judged much better and much more reliable if the building members have been observed for a sufficient amount of time before the TBM passes the building. This period of time must not be less than 3 months.
       In a period of three months different cases of weathering and their influence on the cracks can be studied relatively precise. In case of changes in the crack behaviour at the time the TBM is passing the building, it is possible to define whether these changes are related to the activity of the TBM or to other external factors.

Dr.-Ing. Toralf Burkert
Barcelona, 08.06.2010
(Repetim aquest post ja  publicat en aquest blog per la seva extraordinària rellevància. Volem de manera imperativa que es facin acomplir aquests acords, NO poden ser paper mullat. 
Es vol monitoritzar "de manera constant les esquerdes estructurals rellevants" a la Façana de la Glòria "  i  a "les naus laterals adjacents". Aquest control es suma als controls  que ja estàn instalats al temple.  Demana fer observació de l'estat actual un període NO INFERIOR A 3 MESOS AVANS DEL PAS DE LA TUNELADORA.
Aquests sensors han sigut col·locats el 4 de setembre (podeu llegir-ho clicant "setembre 2010" a l'arxiu per dates a la dreta de la pantalla i fer marxa enrere fins trovar: "La Sagrada Familia tendrá otra red de control por las obras del AVE")
Cal recordar que han estat aprobades mocions demanant un canvi de traçat: el Ple de L'Ajuntament de Barcelona (3 vegades), del Parlament de Catalunya, i pel Congres del Diputats el darrer mes de juny. El Congrés va demanar aturar dos mesos la tuneladora; demà 11 de setembre, és un bon dia per a recordar que en democràcia cal complir els acords de les majories.  Que aturin la tuneladora com va ordenar el Congrès!
9-9-2010. Nota de Cuca de Llum)