>> Catalan Pro-Independence Parties Join Forces for Election
>> (IT) Nella Spagna i leader del partito della centrodestra CDC e del sinistro ERC hanno stipulato un accordo di cooperazione.
>> (USA) Catalan Independence Parties Form United Front Against Madrid
Democratic Convergence and Republican Left agree to run united slate of candidates in forthcoming Catalan elections
MADRID—The two leading pro-independence parties in Spain’s wealthy
Catalonia region agreed to run a unified slate of candidates for
September’s regional elections, a move that could breathe new life into
the stumbling secession movement.
Catalonia’s governing
Democratic Convergence party and the Republican Left of Catalonia
thrashed out the agreement in the past few days, officials of the
parties said Wednesday, ending months of bickering that contributed to a
decline in support for independence in the polls.
Pro-secession leaders say Catalonia’s regional elections on Sept. 27 will serve as a referendum on independence. If they win, these leaders say, they would start a process to establish a Catalan state within a matter of months.
recent years, Catalonia, which generates a quarter of Spain’s exports,
has witnessed massive protests by independence activists claiming that
the central government in Madrid drains the region of taxes without
respecting its culture.
The agreement on the unified list is likely to place the Catalan
question once again at the forefront of challenges facing Prime Minister
Mariano Rajoy, who must call general elections by the end of the year.
“To some extent, it’s Groundhog Day, and we’re going to see another tense autumn in Catalonia,” said Andrew Dowling, a specialist on Catalan and Spanish history at Cardiff University.
Andrea Levy, a Vice Secretary for Mr. Rajoy’s conservative Popular Party, responded with an attack on Catalan President Artur Mas.
“During times of crisis,” Levy said, Mas “has put all of his energy
into himself, into his personal glory, but not into the priorities that
exist in Catalonia.”
Mr. Rajoy, whose party now receives only marginal support in the region, maintains that secession is unconstitutional.
>> (USA) FOX NEWS "Catalan pro-independence parties join forces for election, say victory will trigger breakaway"
>> ABC NEWS "Catalan pro-independence parties Join forces for election"
>> (UK) Reuters: "La llista unitària pot donar nou impuls al procés"
L'agència britànica pronostica que a Rajoy se li presenta un nou "maldecap" sobre la taula
L'agència britànica Reuters ha informat de l'acord sobre la
llista unitària independentista, i pronostica que aquesta pot donar un
"nou impuls" al procés català. Segons Reuters, al president espanyol, Mariano Rajoy, li arriba un nou "maldecap" sobre la taula, quan pretenia concentrar-se a frenar Ciutadans i Podemos.
"Una aliança entre els partits clau que defensen la secessió pot donar un nou impuls al procés, i per descomptat pot representar un altre mal de cap per al president del govern espanyol, Mariano Rajoy, en el moment que el seu govern està mirant de concentrar-se a defensar-se de la pujada dels rivals dels moviments de centredreta [C's] i anti-austeritat [Podemos]", assenyala l'agència.
Reuters recorda que, tot i que el suport a la independència havia anat minvant en els últims mesos, els partits catalans sobiranistes podrien obtenir una majoria absoluta el 27-S "si funcionen com una aliança", i cita en aquest sentit l'enquesta de La Vanguardia de diumenge.
"Una aliança entre els partits clau que defensen la secessió pot donar un nou impuls al procés, i per descomptat pot representar un altre mal de cap per al president del govern espanyol, Mariano Rajoy, en el moment que el seu govern està mirant de concentrar-se a defensar-se de la pujada dels rivals dels moviments de centredreta [C's] i anti-austeritat [Podemos]", assenyala l'agència.
Reuters recorda que, tot i que el suport a la independència havia anat minvant en els últims mesos, els partits catalans sobiranistes podrien obtenir una majoria absoluta el 27-S "si funcionen com una aliança", i cita en aquest sentit l'enquesta de La Vanguardia de diumenge.
La notícia original:
Catalan independence parties to join forces for election
>> (USA)(United Press International) Catalonia goes for another attempt at independence
BARCELONA, Spain, July 15 2015 (UPI) -- The
two major pro-secessionist parties of Spain's Catalonia province
announced they would run a unified slate of candidates in September's
regional elections.
The decision by the ruling Democratic Convergence party and the
opposition Republican Left of Catalonia, earlier this week, could
invigorate a popular movement in the relatively prosperous province to declare its independence from Spain.
Political leaders call the Sept. 27 vote a referendum on Catalonia's
independence, which they say could come within six months of the
Enthusiasm for independence has declined
since an informal referendum in November 2014. An October poll by
Catalonia's Opinion Studies Center noted 49.4 percent of respondents
approved of independence; it fell to 44.5 percent by December.
Catalonia accounts for one-quarter of Spain's exports, and has
seen massive rallies supporting formation of an independent country.
Supporters claim the administration of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy
overtaxes the province without respecting its unique culture and
heritage. Rajoy has said Catalonian independence would be
The two parties said their slate of candidates would include
prominent Catalans from civil society, an indication of voters'
disenchantment with politicians.
>> (FR) Elections en Catalogne : Un trio inédit pour porter la candidature indépendantiste
Le 22 juillet 2015 - http://www.lindependant.fr//2015/07/22/un-trio-inedit-pour-porter-la-candidature-independantiste,2062628.php
>> (UK) 'The Times': "El rei amenaça els catalans pel seu pla separatista"
24/07/2015 - B.V. (Redacció)
El diari 'The Times' s'ha fet ressò de les paraules del monarca espanyol, Felip VI, sobre el procés sobiranista, on va advertir al costat del president de la Generalitat, Artur Mas, que "respectar la llei és una exigència ineludible". En un article publicat aquest divendres, el rotatiu destaca que el rei d'Espanya "amenaça els catalans pel seu pla separatista", segons apunta el titular.
Al cos de la notícia, 'The Times' afegeix que Felip VI va fer una crida perquè Catalunya respecti les lleis, en comptes de tirar endavant la possible Declaració d'Independència. El rotatiu també destaca que el president català, Artur Mas, ha convocat unes eleccions per al 27 de setembre que s'espera que siguin "un referèndum de facto" sobre la independència.
Al cos de la notícia, 'The Times' afegeix que Felip VI va fer una crida perquè Catalunya respecti les lleis, en comptes de tirar endavant la possible Declaració d'Independència. El rotatiu també destaca que el president català, Artur Mas, ha convocat unes eleccions per al 27 de setembre que s'espera que siguin "un referèndum de facto" sobre la independència.
>> (Bloomberg) Catalans Spur the Remaking of Spain With Battle for Independence
July 23, 2015 -
>> (Bloomberg) Catalans Spur the Remaking of Spain With Battle for Independence
July 23, 2015 -
Catalonia’s bid for independence has opened the floodgates: Now all
Spain’s major parties are looking to remake the way the state’s power is
carved up.
Catalan President Artur Mas plans to use voting for the region’s
parliament on Sept. 27 -- weeks before national elections are due -- as a
de-facto referendum on leaving Spain. Just as the Scottish independence
movement has prompted a rethink of how the U.K. is governed, Spain’s
national parties are responding with plans to prevent the disintegration
of a country whose mainland borders are unchanged since the 17th
century. (...etc)
Llegir.ho tot: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-07-22/catalans-spur-the-remaking-of-spain-with-battle-for-independence
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